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rec.open rSQL,Connection,3,3 %>
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<td height="204" align="center" valign="top" background="img/mbg.gif" colspan="2"><% Set rec = Server.CreateObjecT("ADODB.RecordSet")
rSQL = "Select * FROM Haberler ORDER BY Kimlik DESC"
rec.open rSQL,Connection,3,3 %>
<% if (not rec.eof) then %>
<% sayfa = Request.QueryString("sayfa")
If sayfa="" Then sayfa=1
rec.pagesize = anahaber 'Sayfada kaç adet veri bulunacak
rec.absolutepage = sayfa
sayfa_sayisi = rec.pagecount
for i=1 to rec.pagesize
if rec.eof then
exit for
end if
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<td width="402" align="left" valign="top" background="img/mbg2.gif"><% =left((rec("icerik")),250) & "... " %> <a href="<% ="habergoster.asp?ID=" & rec("Kimlik") %>" class="duzyazitext"><strong>Devamı</strong>&l t;/a></td>
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<% rec.movenext
onceki = cint(sayfa) - 1
sonraki = cint(sayfa) + 1
if onceki < 1 then
response.write ""
response.write " <a href=default.asp?sayfa=" & onceki & ">Önceki</a>"
end if
for g = 1 to sayfa_sayisi
if g = cint(sayfa ) then 'eğer bulunduğumuz sayfa ise ona link vermiyoruz
response.write "["
response.write g& "] "
<% else
response.Write "<a href=default.asp?sayfa=" & g & ">" & g & "</a> "
end if
next %>
if sonraki > sayfa_sayisi then
response.write ""
response.write "<a href=default.asp?sayfa=" & sonraki & "&id=" & request.QueryString("id") & ">Sonraki</a>"
end if
<%end if%></td>
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<td background="img/mbg.gif"></td>
<td background="img/mbg.gif"></td>
<td height="60" colspan="7" align="center" background="img/mbg.gif"><% Set rec = Server.CreateObjecT("ADODB.RecordSet")
rSQL = "Select reklam FROM Genel"
rec.open rSQL,Connection,3,3 %>
<% =rec("reklam") %></td>
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<% =copyright %><br /><font color="#000000"><% =strReverse("relrükkeşeT") %></font><a href="<% =strReverse("gro.kakos-akra.www//
tth") %>" target="_blank">
<% =strReverse("orP-SA") %>
</a> <font color="#000000">&</font> <a href="<% =strReverse("moc.orprisay.www//
tth") %>" target="_blank">
<% =strReverse("orPrisaY") %>
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<a href="<% =chr(104) & chr(116) & chr(116) & chr(112) & chr(58) & chr(47) & chr(47) & chr(119) & chr(119) & chr(119) & chr(46) & chr(97) & chr(114) & chr(107) & chr(97) & chr(045) & chr(115) & chr(111) & chr(107)& chr(97)& chr(107) & chr(46) & chr(111) & chr(114) & chr(103) %>" target="_blank"><% =chr(68) & chr(101) & chr(115) & chr(105) & chr(103) & chr(110) & chr(0174)& chr(160) & chr(65) & chr(83) & chr(0150) & chr(80) & chr(114) & chr(111) & chr(160) & chr(116) & chr(101) & chr(97) & chr(109) %></a></span></td>
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