format10 Yeni Üye
Kayıt Tarihi: 05-Şubat-2012 Gönderilenler: 1
Gönderen: 05-Şubat-2012 Saat 23:06 | Kayıtlı IP
MySQL veritabanına veri eklemeye kalktığımda hata alıyorum lütfen yardımmmmm
asp kodlarım: ------------------------------ sSQLINSERT= "INSERT INTO tblMembers(Title,FirstName,SurName,CompanyName,Occupation," & _ "MarriageStatus,Sex,Address,City,StateCounty,Country,ZipPost code," & _ "Email,Tel,CellMobile,Heard_About_Website,MSN,Yahoo,ICQ,AIM, HobbiesInterests," & _ "UserName,MemberPassword,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3,Custom4,Mem bershipOption," & _ "Active,Comments,Date_Joined)VALUES('" & sTitle & "','" & sFirstname & "'," & _ " '" & sSurname & "','" & sCompanyname & "','" & sOccupation & "','" & sMarriageStatus & "'," & _ "'" & sSex & "', '" & sAddress & "', '" & sCity & "', '" & sStateCounty & "'," & _ "'" & sCountry & "', '" & sPostcode & "', '" & sEmail & "', '" & sTel & "','" & sCellMobile & "'," & _ "'" & sHeard_About_Website & "','" & sMSN & "','" & sYahoo & "','" & sICQ & "','" & sAIM & "'," & _ "'" & sHobbiesInterests & "', '" & sUsername & "', '" & sRandomPassword & "'," & _ "'" & sCustom1 & "','" & sCustom2 & "','" & sCustom3 & "','" & sCustom4 & "'," & _ iMembershipOptionID & ",'Y','" & sComments & "',#" & Now() & "#)"
sConnString.execute(sSQLINSERT) -------------------------------------------------------
aldığım hata: ----------------- Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers hata '80040e14'
[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.5.20]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
/selim/zzzzz.asp, satýr 1075 ------------------ satır 1075 : sConnString.execute(sSQLINSERT)